Determinants Of Microfinance Loan Utilization for Specified Purposes: Evidence from Selected Microfinance in Ethiopia
Microfinance, Microfinance institution, Loan, Loan utilization, Buusaa GonoofaaAbstract
Eradicating poverty is a major dimension focused on by the Ethiopian government as poverty was the existing enemy of the country. One of the leading mechanisms that help to shrink poverty at the farmers’ level is the provision of a microfinance loan. Even though the very essential issue, that has a contribution to the reduction of poverty is not only providing microfinance loan for the farmers’ but considering the time after loan provision is also another very important issue that enables to identify whether the farmers’ utilized loan for a specified purpose. The objective of this study was therefore to investigate the determinants of Microfinance loan utilization for a specified purpose by farmers clients based on data collected from 244 randomly selected farmers’ clients as well as data collected through key informant interview from manager and officer of Buusaa Gonoofaa microfinance institution in Oromia Regional State. Thus, this study employed a descriptive and more explanatory research design. The study used both primary and secondary data sources. Descriptive statistics and the Binary logit model were used for the analysis of the data. The results of the study indicate that clients’ utilization of microfinance loans for specified purposes was significantly influenced by factors such as level of education, amount of loan provided, delay of loan provision, and age of farmers’ clients. The study suggests that Microfinance institutions should pay appropriate attention to those key factors that influence clients’ utilization of microfinance loans to improve the living standard of farmers’ clients.
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